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we turn 5
we turn 5
we turn 5
B + C
B + C
25-02 "area paradiso"
25-03 "wor(l)ds-of-borders"
25-04 "aftercare"
guest projects/coffee talks
open call
the room
the forecourt
about offspaces
artists A-L
Andrea Sommer
Angela Staffelbach
Anouk Sebald
Cristina Emmel
Clemens Fellmann
Danae Hoffmann
Daniela Müller
Gaël Epiney
Joanna Zabielska
Ladina Staehelin Türkoğlu
Larissa Bürgi
Lea Fröhlicher
Lea Luzifer
Lucius Rüedi
Luzi Paulin Simeon
artists M-Z
maboart, Ursula Bohren & Claudio Magoni
Manon Schnyder
Marc Lohri
Natascha Frioud
Pierre Ajavon
Raphael Reichert
Roger Holliger
Ruxandra Mitache
Sara Grütter
Sylvain Gelewski
Thea Geneva
Valie Winter
Yannick Lehmann
Yota Tsotra
past exhibitions
25-01 "raum für unangenehme gedanken"
24-05 "decentralization"
24-04 "a home is a home"
24-03 "angles&angels"
24-02 "tu le peins en bleu, tu le ..."
24-01 "an ode to (no)body"
23-05 "embracing entrance"
23-04 "da war gerbera da"
23-03 "my dog would take the bus"
23-02 "...rasch..."
23-01 "c`mon room"
22-03 "florever"
22-02 "vor ein paar Tagen"
22-01 "¡transformation!"
21-02 "hearing with the eyes"
21-01 "change of perspective"
2024 Programmübersicht
Jahresbericht 2024
Jahresbericht 2023
Jahresbericht 2022
Programmübersicht 2023
Lea Fröhlicher/Johanna Zabielska
Programmübersicht 2022
Programmübersicht 2021
Thea Geneva
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